How does a dual occupancy home work as a family home?
Dual occupancy gives you flexibility as your family changes. You can choose to live in one of the dwellings and then, depending on your needs and priorities, either can rent out the second home or have a place right nearby for extended family, such as older parents or just-starting-out young adults.
Are there specific zoning requirements for dual occupancy homes?
Before you start on your dual living journey, it’s important to check out and understand your state and local government area’s zoning requirements (as not all areas allow dual occupancy home designs). You also need to consider specifications like the minimum block size allowed and what each house needs to contain (such as a kitchen) for it to be considered a separate dwelling.
What are the benefits of buying a dual occupancy home?
Whether you’re looking for dual occupancy homes for sale, or looking for a dual occupancy builder, dual living can bring huge benefits! You can live in one and rent out the other dwelling all without the costs associated with having two blocks of land. There are also less obvious benefits such as minimising the amount of garden maintenance and providing housing for others in an increasingly tight housing market.
Can I rent out one of the units for additional income?
As long as the dwelling on your dual occupancy block meets any state and local planning requirements, you are welcome to rent out one or both of the homes. Planning the best dual occupancy home designs for each property is the best way to maximise your rental return.
Are there any restrictions on who can live in a dual occupancy home?
Assuming you have all the permits required for your dual living homes, there are no restrictions on who can live in dual occupancy homes. Some owners choose to rent on the open market and others choose dual occupancy living in order to meet the needs of extended family or friends, such as older parents who wish to continue living independently but will benefit from having family close by.
What should I consider when choosing a dual occupancy home?
Dual occupancy builders will consider the land available in order to design dual occupancy homes to suit any type of family. Good dual occupancy floor plans including spaces in both dwellings for living, dining and retreating as well as the position of the two homes on the one block, allowing both good access and privacy.
Double down on your dual occupancy plans by contacting us today!